Hello Everyone, I am Keith Duplessie, the Business Development guy here at P&S. This segment title seems a little odd, and could mean anything, but for our purposes, this space will be all about what is going on the wider detailing world outside of P&S. I’ll try to cover what’s coming up, what the latest industry trends are and maybe throw a little soothsaying in try to forecast what might be coming around the corner! Here we go….
- What’s going on - Social Media wise, there isn’t really a much bigger event going right now than TRCMA - The Rag Company’s 2nd annual virtual trade show. Featuring many of today’s top brands, and some up and comers, there are morning and afternoon sessions. All are broadcast live on YouTube and you can catch replays there as well. Check it out - no better way to see what might be coming next than to watch all these manufactures go live and tell you what they’ve been up to and what they have in store. A little hint - the Thursday afternoon session is worth a view - might just be some new, new things to check out. Just saying….
- What’s trending? Spring is here, and new products abound (see above). Rotary is back (it never really went away), and there are a lot of new tools, pads and abrasives to try out. If you’ve never used one, rotary tools are now lighter, and more manageable than ever. They definitely have a place in the detail shop for serious, fast correction, and pairing them with a DA to finish, makes severely damaged paint much more manageable. P&S has a long history of making great Rotary products - Xtra Cut Compound, Full Throttle Polish and Dark Supreme Polish are staples in our product line for these tools, so if you are going to take one for a spin, give them a try.
- What could the future be? - The economy is uncertain at best right now. We have had several strong years of industry growth, and now is a good time to make sure you are maximizing your customer base, just in case things slow down. Find ways to connect them even more to your business. Make it easier for them to be your customer by taking advantage of technology like software. Offer some retail space where they can easily pick up those products that allow them to care for their car between appointments. Find new ways to connect with them on a personal level at small events like an open garage once a month. All of this engages and strengthens the customer bond, so you can make sure your customer base is “storm proof”.